The RaceDay Hub Announcer Kiosk Window is our latest Announcer Feature, which offers as fast as possible data processing speeds by displaying reads before they go through any kind of scoring filters. This is a great feature to use if you want your announcer to show read data as soon as possible.

Note: This functionality is not related to the Timing Location -> RunSignup Announcer Link functionality in any way.

On the main app landing page, there’s a new button to set up an Announcer Kiosk. You can also launch an Announcer Kiosk window from the Race Dashboard under the Local Kiosk panel. This uses the RaceDay Hub to send a stream of all raw read data to an announcer feed that includes participant info like name, timing location of the read, event, age group, city, bib/chip and time of day of the read. We also show a message for users whose birthdays are within +/- 7 days.

This will create a new window that you can display on a separate monitor or any kind of display that you can connect to your computer. It also can be set up on a separate computer that is connected to the same local network as your main scoring computer.

Through the settings menu you can control the text size and which Timing Locations should be included in the announcer feed (by default it’s all).

This leaderboard is much faster than the previous implementation, as we do not have to wait for the raw reads to be processed into Scored Reads. This means that the data will display in these leaderboards in less than 5ms from the time that the Connector sees them, instead of around 5 seconds.

Set up Announcer Window on Scoring Computer

Open the Race and start the RaceDay Hub by clicking "RaceDay Hub" in the top toolbar:

Set up a password and start the RaceDay Hub Service:

Open up the Local Kiosk panel, and select Announcer:

This will launch a RaceDay Hub Announcer Kiosk Window. Use the settings gear to determine which locations should be included in this window, and other settings:

Note: settings changed here will not update previously displayed times. It is not possible to clear out previously displayed times either. Make sure that you set up your settings properly before processing reads.

Set up Announcer Window on Separate Computer

Set up the RaceDay Hub service as described above, and connect the computer you want to use as a kiosk to the same network as the other computer. 

Launch RaceDay Scoring, and select Announcer Kiosk:

Use the "Remote" option to connect to another computer:

Enter in the IP Address, Port Number, and RaceDay Hub password from the other computer:

This can be found by hovering over the RaceDay Hub indicator on the scoring computer:

Use the settings gear to determine which locations should be included in this window, and other settings:

Note: settings changed here will not update previously displayed times. It is not possible to clear out previously displayed times either. Make sure that you set up your settings properly before processing reads.