This guide is applicable for users who will be utilizing Loop Boxes at splits points.

***Loop Boxes either repeat or store/dump data to another decoder.  When exported, the DecoderID that pushes out is the decoder receiving the data, not the LoopBoxID.  This manual will help the timer set up RaceResult12 to push the LoopBoxID if an active timing system is being used***

There are 2 changes necessary to make this work:

Setting Up the User Defined Files

  1. Navigate to the Main Window Tab in RR12

  2.  Click Participant Data

  3. Select User Defined Fields/Fcts.

  4. Add the following User Defined Fields

    1. First

      1. Name: LoopBoxDevice

      2. Expression: choose([RD_ChannelID];[CH1];[CH2];[CH3];[CH4]; [CH5];[CH6];[CH7];[CH8])

    2. Second

      1. Name: CH1

      2. Expression: choose([RD_LoopID];1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8)

    3. Third

      1. Name: CH2

      2. Expression: choose([RD_LoopID];1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8)

    4. Fourth

      1. Name: CH3

      2. Expression: choose([RD_LoopID];1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8)

    5. Fifth

      1. Name: CH4

      2. Expression: choose([RD_LoopID];1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8)

    6. Sixth

      1. Name: CH5

      2. Expression: choose([RD_LoopID];1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8)

    7. Seventh

      1. Name: CH6

      2. Expression: choose([RD_LoopID];1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8)

    8. Eighth

      1. Name: CH7

      2. Expression: choose([RD_LoopID];1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8)

    9. Ninth

      1. Name: CH8

      2. Expression: choose([RD_LoopID];1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8)

  5. Rename each Loop on the appropriate CH (channel) line with your corresponding LoopBoxDevice name with “ “ on either side.

    1. Ex: Channel2, Loop1 is “A2220” which is an active extension

      1. Please note: if an active extension is being used, the exporting format set up in step 2 will remove the DecoderID and replace it with the LoopBoxDevice.  This means you will need to set up a stream in RaceDay Scoring for the Active Extension.

      2. Ex: Channel2, Loop2 is “A2287” which is a LoopBox repeating back to CH2L1

      3. Ex: Channel5, Loop1 is “A2144” which is a USB Box

Setting up the Exporter (TCP/IP):

  1. Navigate to the Timing tab in RR12

  2. Click Exporters + Tracking

  3. Add a TCP/IP Exporter

    1. Name: Anything you’d like…DIRECT is perfect

    2. Timing Point: <All Timing Points>

    3. Filter: Blank

    4. Export Data: Custom

    5. Custom Field:

      1.  [RD_ID] & ";" & if([RD_Transponder]<>"";[RD_Transponder];[RD_IDBib]) & ";" & date("yyyy-mm-dd") & ";" & format([RD_Time];"hh:mm:ss.kkk") & ";" & [RD_OrderID] & ";" & [RD_Hits] & ";" & [RD_RSSI] & ";;" & if([RD_LoopID]>0;1;0) & ";" & [RD_ChannelID] & ";" & [RD_LoopID] & ";;" & [RD_WakeupCounter] & ";" & ([RD_Battery]/10) & ";" & ([RD_Temperature]-100) & ";" & [RD_StatusFlags] & ";" & if([RD_LoopID]<1;[RD_DecoderID];[LoopBoxDevice])

      2. The underlined/bolded section says that if the LoopID is less than 1 (meaning 0), then the DecoderID will be exported, if there is a LoopID present then it will use the LoopBoxDevice which is defined in the User Defined Fields.  For track boxes (active and passive) there is a channel, but no loop, so the Device ID will be used.  This allows the user to set and forget the exporter, as this exporter will also work with passive systems as the decoder name will populate as needed.

    6. Destination: TCP/IP

    7. IP/Server Name: localhost

    8. Port: 3601

    9. LineEnd: CRLF

  4. Save Settings

The same process for TCP/IP exports should be used for file exports.