What is a Chip Return report?

A chip return report is a list of reusable chips that have not been collected/returned. It is generated by keeping track of which chips are collected at the end of the race or returned from participants who did not finish or dropped out. This can be done by using a dedicated data stream or by reading all of the chips again before the timing equipment is taken down. The report can be given to the Race Director to announce at the Awards Ceremony or through another avenue to remind participants who have not yet returned their chip to do so before leaving the Race. Post-Race, it is an easy way to create a list of participants that have outstanding chip returns.

To create a Chip Return report, three pieces are necessary:

  • A method for reading or scanning chips that have been returned and passing that information to a Stream in RaceDay Scoring

    • For Timers using active RFID chips, this can be as simple as carrying a bin over a timing point

    • For those using passive RFID methods, it may make more sense to scan those chips individually on a dedicated reader (which can be repurposed from the Start line or elsewhere)

    • By using the Mobile Timing App in Backup Mode to mark returned chips

    • The RaceDay CheckIn App is also a good way of marking this on an individual basis, keeping in mind that CheckIn needs to be set up and a separate Preset and Configuration should be used for this method

  • A Custom Field or Question that marks the chip as returned or not

  • A Data Action that populates the Custom Field if a Chip shows in the Stream

Set up a Chip Return stream/Location

Create a dedicated Location for reading the collected chips - 

This Stream for this location can come from a timing system or a Mobile Timing file, but it does need to be assigned to a location. The location does not need to be used for any Events, but it does need to exist. A Stream that is used for other timing purposes can be used, but be careful to set up the Data Action so that reads used for scoring aren’t determining if a chip is returned or not.

Create a Custom Field or Question

Either create a Custom Question on RunSignup for this, or create a Custom Field in RaceDay Scoring. If a Custom Question on RunSignup is used, it is best to mark it as an Internal Question so that participants are not confused by it. Generally, a Yes/No question works well for these types of reports.


Create a Data Action that marks a chip as Returned

Create a new Data Action on the Data Action/Data Check tab

Set an Action Trigger for the Data Action - in this example any participant with a Registration Event who has a read in the Chip Return stream after 10:00:00 AM will be acted upon:

Set the Custom Question/Custom Field as the Data to Change for this Action


This can be done either as a Custom Question on RunSignup or as a Custom Field local to RaceDay Scoring. If the question comes from RunSignup it should be set as an Internal Question.

Set up a Report on who has not returned their chip

This report can be set to include All Events as a Pre Race List as it does not require any scoring information

For this report, it is important to show Non-Finishers as participants who dropped out or who DNF are outside of the normal flow for returning chips at the end of the race. 

Other Considerations

  • Make sure that the stream for Chip Return is ONLY reading chips that are returned - using a Timestamp in the Raw Read Filter of the Data Action can help with this

  • Different hardware will need different considerations for reading this density of chips - prepare your method and workflow accordingly

  • Using the Internal Question/RaceDay CheckIn App method can allow your Race Directors to mark chips as returned and have an up-to-date report in RunSignup of who has yet to return their chips if there are folks who left the Race site with their chips and collection extends beyond Race Day