MyLaps Timing & Scoring can be used as a middleware between your MyLaps Decoders and RaceDay Scoring to pass times directly from MyLaps Timing & Scoring into RaceDay Scoring.

There are two main pieces of the integration - 

  • The connection to the Timign & Scoring software itself
  • How we should filter that single stream of data into multiple Streams in RaceDay Scoring.

Connecting to MyLaps Timing & Scoring Software

In order to connect to the MyLaps Timing & Scoring software, we need to know two things when setting up Streams in RaceDay Scoring.

  • Listen Port - default is 3097
  • List Address - default is localhost

If you are running MyLaps Timing & Scoring on the same computer as RaceDay Scoring these defaults should work. If you are running MyLaps Timing & Scoring on another computer on the same network you could use the IP Address of that computer to access it.

When setting up the exporter in Timing & Scoring, this would be our suggested default settings.

- Auto reconnect enabled

- Send ping enabled

- Export markers enabled

You do not have to check the box to "Export Markers", but if you do RaceDay Scoring will bring in an assign Marker Reads to Event Start Times that have not yet been set.

This can also be set by default so that going forward all TCP/IP Exporters that are created on this computer have this setting enabled. This is found under the File > Preferences area of Timing & Scoring.

Setting Chip System Defaults

Go to Streams -> Settings and save the defaults for MyLaps Timing & Scoring (or change them based on your needs)

Adding Streams for each MyLaps Timing & Scoring Location

Now that you've set your default MyLaps configuration settings like Port and Address, you should create a Stream in RaceDay Scoring for each Timing & Scoring Location you are using for this Race.

When you connect to Timing & Scoring directly, data from all decoders comes in at once and RaceDay Scoring needs to know how to split up those reads into different Streams that you will use in different Locations for your Race.

To do this - we use the MyLaps TIming & Scoring Location Names that your Decoders are assigned to.

You can access the Stream Setup by going to the Streams item on the left hand toolbar:

Click the “Add Stream” button to begin creating a new Stream for you to use for your Races.

Now select MyLaps Direct from the Stream Type dropdown:

And fill out the configuration needed. Be sure to set a Name, Timing & Scoring Location Name, System Type, and Timing Location Assignment (optional right now, can be set later):

It's recommended to set up a Stream in RaceDay Scoring for each commonly used Timing & Scoring Location Name you use - like Finish, Start, Split, etc... then when you need to use it for the next Race you can just assign that existing Stream and will not have to go through the setup again on that computer.

Once you have these items set you can being collecting reads as described here.