With RFID File streaming you should have a separate Stream created in your systems for each reader you have, which are designated by the IP Address in the Stream Setup. 
RFID server dumps all the files into one folder and each file is named with it's IP Address. This is how we determine which files to route to the Stream if they are all in one folder.

You should create Streams for each device you have, based on it's IP Address. It may be helpful to name each Stream it's actual IP Address so it is easier to identify which reader you are assigning when mapping to a Timing Location.

To get started, go to the Streams page from the Sidebar, then click Add Stream.

Select a Stream Type

Next select File (Custom or Chip System Type) for the Stream Type

Next select RFID File from the File Type

NOTE: When selecting Trident File from this dropdown, you will notice that the Stream Type changes to match the File Type selected. This is expected.

Browse for the Folder that will contain your Files

Next use the Browse button to select the folder that contains the Files you're collecting reads on.

Pick the folder - mine is named "Read Data"

NOTE: For RFID systems you may have multiple files within this folder. You can set up multiple Streams that point to this folder. We use the IP Address for each device to only look at the folder that matches the IP Address listed in the name of the file.

Set the IP Address of the reader that you want to use for this Stream.

Timing Location Assignment (Optional)

At this point you are able to assign this Stream to a Timing Location if you wish. This depends on whether or not you have completed your desired Timing Location setup.

By default RaceDay Scoring has a Start and Finish Location that you can assign Streams to.

Click the dropdown in this section to select one or many Timing Locations that you wish to use the times collected in this Stream for. For Chip Systems you would want to always assign as a Main Stream. Backup Streams are only to be used for manual timing methods like Time Machines, Summit Timers, or just typing in bib numbers into a spreadsheet.

For instance you may have a single Stream that has both Start and Finish Times. In that case, select both the Start and the Finish Timing Locations in the Main Stream Assignment Dropdown.

Finally - save settings and your Stream setup is complete! You can now begin collecting times from all Streams as described here.