There are many scenarios that could lead to a chip not reading - it wasn't worn properly, the bib was never actually chipped, the bib was never actually worn, the list goes on. All of these scenarios ultimately end up in the same place regardless of hardware or middleware: the Timer must manually add a read.
Reads may be manually added anywhere that Raw Reads are able to be viewed. To add a Raw Read, expand the "Add Raw Reads" panel:
Select a Timing Device (these are the same as Assigned Streams; note that at least one Assigned Stream is required for this to work). The added read(s) will be subject to the parameters of Timing Device device they are added to:
Then enter the bib number, date (if different than the default) and time of Day (HH:MM:SS.sss format) for the read that needs to be added and click "Submit Reads":
Multiple Raw Reads may be added at once by clicking "Add Read +", however it is only possible to add multiple reads to a single Timing Device.
Note that Manually added Raw Reads are Locked:
If you wish to add reads based on Clock Time and not Time of Day, this guide will provide the proper steps.