Below you can find a quick setup guide for building a straightforward Race in RaceDay Scoring.


Quick Setup Guide (races on RunSignup)

  1. Update/Open RaceDay Scoring

  2. Manage Races

    1. Import a Race Already on RunSignup

    2. Set the dates to search (auto sets for the next 365 days)

    3. Enter YOUR Password

    4. Pick your Race (ensure you are set as the timer on Step 1 of the Race Wizard)

    5. Either Import Original Race or a Back up if it’s been previously set up and uploaded to the cloud.

  3. Setting up RaceDay Scoring

    1. Participant Sync

      1. Save Sync Settings

    2. Participants/Teams

      1. Double check data looks right

      2. Import bibchip file if needed

        1. Actions

          1. Setup Chip Auto-Assignment

            1. Choose FileImport

    3. Streams

      1. Create a Stream for each decoder or timing data source

        1. Add Stream

          1. Choose if direct or file

            1. Ensure the Decoder Name is correct

            2. Ensure that file location/extension is correct

            3. Ensure IP/Port are correct (matching middleware)

        2. Save

    4. Timing Location

      1. Add Location or use the stock Start or Finish

        1. Determine what type of data is collected at this location

        2. Assign streams to this location

        3. Set StartFinish Read Settings depending on what type of data is being collected

          1. Make sure times are correct

          2. Make sure DATES are correct

        4. Set Max number of Occurrences for this location

          1. If >1 set Gap factor between reads

        5. Add additional bib or time filters as needed

        6. Save

    5. Scored Events

      1. Quick Setup

        1. Review Basic info to be correct

        2. Remove Scored events for any virtual events 

        3. Save

    6. Corrals

      1. Review Corrals imported from your Runsignup setup

        1. If corrals are needed, manually add

    7. Segments

      1. If no splits are found on course, this is not needed

      2. If splits are found on course

        1. Set up segments in chronological order

    8. Age Group/Team Types

      1. Set Top Finishers

        1. Add Another Band

          1. Define Band “Overall Top 3 M/F”

          2. Add any additional filters as needed

      2. Range Insert

        1. Set range size, start and ending point

        2. Set how many awards per division

        3. Insert upper/lower ranges (Y/N)

    9. Reports

      1. Overall

        1. Auto-Save Settings - Publishes results to Runsignup live

          1. RunSignup Results

            1. Confirm Settings/infoAdd Stream

          2. Save Settings

      2. Age Group

        1. Actions

          1. Edit

            1. Add/Edit Columns

              1. Ensure columns are what are needed for awards

            2. Filters and Sorts

              1. Show award winners only or Show X number per

              2. Show non-finishers (Y/N)

  4. Timing the Race

    1. Turn on the Connector (at the top of the screen)

    2. Begin Pushing Middleware data into RDS

    3. Review the data coming in

    4. Run Reports for awards

  5. Push final RDS version up to cloud for storage